Friday, March 23, 2007

Cloud Coverage

Parker came home from his class yesterday looking up at the sky and talking about the clouds! They did a pretty cool activity that started with reading the book "It Looked Like Spilt Milk" which is a cool little book on what the shape of clouds look like. They followed up with an art project that started with a big blob of white paint on the center of a blue piece of paper. They folded the paper in half, pressed down and opened the paper to reveal their "cloud" formation. Then went around and each little one stated what they thought their cloud looked like. Parker said his looks like a butterfly. I see a bunny. I loved this activity so much that I had to share. I've tried to talk about the clouds and the shapes that I see in the past with the little man but he just didn't get it. Now he's all over it.
What simple kind of fun! Here's a cool photo of clouds that I took a few weeks ago in Pittsburgh...


Anonymous said...

love that book. my MIL bought it for my son when he was 2. we keep it in the car and use it to play car games when on trips.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to hunt that book out for my boys!

Hope your mum is doing ok and recovering quickly :)

jennpal said...

Great idea Shanna! I'm going to have ours live in the car too! Lindsey, Thanks for the kind thoughts on my Mom - she is getting a little better every day. :)